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OneDegree Global and Microsoft Join Forces to Drive Insurtech and Cybersecurity Innovations with Azu

OneDegree Global, a premier technology firm in the Insurtech and Cybersecurity industries, recently announced a groundbreaking collaboration with Microsoft Hong Kong. OneDegree's integration of Azure OpenAI Service into its IXT Insurtech and Cymetrics cybersecurity solutions marks a critical milestone in this relationship. This strategic cooperation aims to transform the market by bringing real solutions that solve important industry pain issues.

IXT Seeble: Insurance Process Streamlining for Unrivaled Efficiency: At the InsureTech Connect Asia 2023 conference in Singapore, OneDegree Global showcased its latest experimental Generative AI capabilities, IXT Seeble and Cymetrics Copilot. IXT Seeble is a game-changing Insurtech solution that automates complicated operations for insurers. It enables non-technical users to enter prompts in plain English, removing the need for developers to code important functions like pricing, underwriting, and claims rule configuration. This automation reduces reliance on IT resources, improves code quality, and shortens time-to-market, providing insurers with unrivaled efficiency and flexibility. IXT Seeble also acts as an intelligent customer support assistant, improving the whole customer service experience.

Cymetrics Copilot: Enabling Organizations to Manage Cybersecurity: OneDegree's GPT-powered cybersecurity assistant, Cymetrics Copilot, solves the ongoing issues that organizations confront in protecting their digital assets. With time and resource constraints frequently impeding timely issue resolution and overwhelming issue overload making impact assessment and prioritization difficult, Cymetrics Copilot uses AI capabilities to provide personalized remediation suggestions, prioritized recommendations, and instant answers. This reduces cybersecurity issue resolution time by up to 50%, allowing organizations to manage risks proactively and efficiently, build resilience, and ensure seamless business continuity.

The Azure OpenAI Service Provides Enterprise-Grade Reliability, Security, and Global Availability: Microsoft Hong Kong's Azure platform provides enterprise-grade reliability, security, and global availability to enable OneDegree's innovative applications and innovations. Azure OpenAI Service offers sophisticated generative AI capabilities such as coding and natural language processing, allowing OneDegree Global to fully realize the potential of artificial intelligence. This collaboration enables OneDegree Global to play a pivotal role in the Insurtech industry, impacting the future of both Insurtech and cybersecurity.

OneDegree Global and Microsoft Hong Kong have formed a strategic alliance that will help drive Insurtech and cybersecurity advancements. OneDegree Global promises to revolutionize the market by solving crucial pain points by integrating Azure OpenAI Service into their IXT Insurtech and Cymetrics cybersecurity solutions. The combination of these two forward-thinking firms has the potential to impact the future of Insurtech and cybersecurity by empowering organizations and providing unprecedented value to clients.

This blog was written by the Activated Solutions team. If you are a business owner or an individual concerned about your cybersecurity, it's time to take action. Activated Solutions can help you to protect your business and personal data from potential cyber threats.

Contact Activated Solutions today to learn more about how they can help you protect your business. With our expertise and commitment to cybersecurity, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are taking proactive steps to protect yourself and your business from potential data breaches.

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PR Newswire. “OneDegree Global and Microsoft Join Forces to Drive Insurtech and Cybersecurity Innovations with Azure OpenAI.” Yahoo Finance, 2 June 2023, Accessed 5 June 2023.

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