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How to Improve Your Cyber Resilience

A recent poll found that roughly half of executives expect their organization's financial systems to be targeted by a cyber-attack. With the constant evolution of cyber threats, achieving 100% protection from cyber threats is impossible. To make a meaningful impact on cybersecurity, organizations must shift their focus from attaining perfection to staying proactive. Here are four steps you can take to improve your organization's cyber resilience.

Test Your Defenses Assessing your organization's cybersecurity readiness can be daunting, but knowing where to begin is critical. A Ponemon poll found that 47% of firms have not reviewed the readiness of their incident response teams. Rather than addressing one issue at a time, take a multi-pronged approach to reducing your attack surface and strengthening your cyber defenses. This entails putting in place preventative measures and services to lessen the likelihood of a breach and minimize damage. You must continually test your defenses, just like cybercriminals do. Tabletop exercises, red team and penetration tests, threat intelligence gathering, and frequent employee training are examples of proactive approaches.

Test Your Incident Response Team Having a qualified incident response and digital forensics team on hand is crucial when it comes to managing and implementing your company's cybersecurity plan. This group should:

To prevent the issue from spreading, isolate affected systems. Investigate: Determine the scope of the occurrence and its cause. Restore systems, retrieve data, and adopt extra security measures as a response. Report: Inform relevant authorities, such as law enforcement and regulatory agencies, about the situation.

Assessing the capabilities of your incident response team is crucial for finding gaps or weaknesses and enhancing their response and overall readiness. Incident detection and identification, containment and eradication, recovery and restoration, and post-incident analysis and reporting are all critical areas to evaluate. Organizations with regularly evaluated incident response strategies saved $2.66 million compared to those that did not.

Obtain Cyber Insurance While cybersecurity is frequently regarded as a preventative measure, cyber insurance is incorrectly regarded as a reactive measure. Obtaining cyber insurance, on the other hand, is a huge proactive step. If your company is the victim of a cyber-attack, having cyber insurance in place will cover legal bills, data recovery, and other breach-related charges. Cyber insurance also connects policyholders with service providers who help them navigate the event and recovery processes.

Secure Your Environment Knowing that your organization is prepared for a cyber incident might mean the difference between a good night's sleep and being concerned about potential threats. With a well-thought-out plan in place, you can take fast action, prevent future loss, and recover crucial data quickly.

You may dramatically improve your organization's cyber resilience by taking these four steps: testing your defenses, testing your incident response team, acquiring cyber insurance, and safeguarding your environment. Remember that cyber dangers are continuously evolving, so staying proactive is critical to protecting your company and its precious assets.

This blog was written by the Activated Solutions team. If you are a business owner or an individual concerned about your cybersecurity, it's time to take action. Activated Solutions can help you to protect your business and personal data from potential cyber threats.

Contact Activated Solutions today to learn more about how they can help you protect your business. With our expertise and commitment to cybersecurity, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are taking proactive steps to protect yourself and your business from potential data breaches.

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Heid, Alexander. “#HowTo: Improve Your Cyber Resilience.” Infosecurity Magazine, 29 May 2023, Accessed 7 June 2023.

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