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Discover Cybersecurity in Health Care: Why Patients and Medical Providers Need It

Cybersecurity is a crucial issue that impacts every industry, including healthcare, in today's digital age, when nearly everything is connected to the internet. Because of the high value of the data it possesses, including sensitive patient information, intellectual property connected to medical research, and financial information, the healthcare industry is a prime target for cybercriminals. As the threat landscape evolves, the healthcare industry must implement increasingly strong cybersecurity protections to protect patient data and the integrity of the healthcare system.

The US Congress recently enacted an omnibus spending measure authorizing the FDA to impose cybersecurity standards on producers of internet-connected medical devices. While this is an important step, it is only the beginning. The federal government must offer extra resources to healthcare professionals and hospitals in order to preserve patient data and avoid cyber-attacks.

Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, and hospitals must work with the government and business sector to bolster their cyber defenses. Ransomware assaults via phishing emails are one of the most popular methods hackers target healthcare systems. According to a report by cybersecurity firm Sophos, ransomware attacks against healthcare organizations in the United States grew by 94% between 2021 and 2022. These attacks can endanger patients and providers, thus hospitals must take preventative precautions.

One method hospitals can use to increase their resistance to ransomware assaults is the "3-2-1 backup approach." This entails making three copies of vital patient or other healthcare-related data in at least two different forms, as well as storing one copy offline, where it cannot be compromised by ransomware or other harmful hacking attempts. Segmenting networks into smaller portions can also help reduce the likelihood of a ransomware assault compromising an entire system.

The Health Sector Coordinating Council and the United States Department of Health and Human Services have identified the top five cyber dangers to hospitals and health systems, as well as ten cybersecurity practices to address and mitigate them. However, due to economic restrictions, many hospitals are unable to provide even a basic degree of safety. Hospitals require extra assistance and incentives to implement cybersecurity solutions, including financing for staff training.

With cybersecurity guidelines for internet-connected medical devices, the latest omnibus funding bill got off to a solid start. To effectively protect patient data and the integrity of the healthcare system, more comprehensive cybersecurity measures are required. Congress must offer guidance and funds to address the healthcare industry's cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Without sufficient cybersecurity safeguards, the healthcare industry would remain exposed to cyber-attacks that can compromise patient data and jeopardize the entire healthcare system's integrity. It is vital that action be taken immediately to safeguard the security and safety of patients and medical providers.

This blog was written by the Activated Solutions team. If you are a business owner or an individual concerned about your cybersecurity, it's time to take action. Activated Solutions can help you to protect your business and personal data from potential cyber threats.

Contact Activated Solutions today to learn more about how they can help you protect your business. With our expertise and commitment to cybersecurity, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are taking proactive steps to protect yourself and your business from potential data breaches.

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