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Authorization to Operate (ATO)


In today's digital age, businesses and organizations rely heavily on software products to enhance their operations and efficiency. However, the use of these products comes with a responsibility to ensure that they meet certain security standards to protect sensitive information. This is where an ATO comes in, as it serves as a validation that your software product meets the required security controls and has been deemed safe to use by the relevant authorities. In this post, we will provide you with valuable insights on what an ATO is, why it is crucial for businesses and organizations, and how to apply for one. Read on to learn more.

What is an Authorization to Operate (ATO)?

An Authorization to Operate (ATO) refers to permission granted to a product to be used within an existing system. It is commonly used within the federal government for information technology products. ATOs ensure that the product or service works with existing systems and does not compromise the security or operational integrity of the network. Private companies and organizations may also require ATOs for the same reasons.

Why is Obtaining an ATO Essential?

Organizations use ATOs primarily when security or operational integrity are concerned. For instance, if a software application is designed to be used within a company's computer network, there could be concerns regarding network data privacy and product compatibility. Before allowing the product to connect to the network, the organization must ensure that the product does not compromise network data and functions correctly, without causing issues with other apps, equipment, or causing unnecessary technical support problems.


In addition to understanding the technical aspects of obtaining an ATO, it's important to understand how it can benefit businesses and organizations in the real world. For example, a software product that has received an ATO can be a key selling point for businesses that want to ensure the security and privacy of their sensitive data. Additionally, an ATO can help organizations avoid costly security breaches, downtime, and legal liabilities. By obtaining an ATO, businesses and organizations can demonstrate to their customers, partners, and stakeholders that they take cybersecurity seriously and are committed to protecting their data.

Applying for an ATO

Applying for an ATO can be a complex and time-consuming process, and it's important to have a clear understanding of the steps involved. Some key steps to keep in mind include identifying the appropriate certifying body, preparing a sample of the product for testing, and undergoing security screening. Developers should also be prepared to provide documentation and evidence to demonstrate that the product meets the required security controls. By following a step-by-step guide, developers and organizations can increase their chances of obtaining an ATO and ensure that they are prepared for the vetting process.

Government Authority to Operate

The Federal Information Security Management Act requires that federal government agencies have a system in place to assess and monitor the security risks of products. Each department independently implements this, such as the Department of Defense Information System Agency or through inter-departmental bodies like the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, which certifies cloud-based products and services for multiple government departments. The certifying body for each agency varies.

Types of ATO Status

Developers may be granted one of three statuses: authorization to operate, interim authorization to operate, or denial of authorization to operate. Authorization to operate means that the product can be used within the organization for a specified period, usually three years, after which the product may need to be reassessed. Interim authorization to operate may be issued for a short period or under limited conditions, until the product is approved or denied. Denial of authorization to operate means that the product may not be used within the organization.

Costs associated with obtaining an ATO:

Obtaining an ATO can involve significant costs, both in terms of time and money. For example, organizations may need to hire a consultant to assist with the application process, conduct additional testing to meet the required security controls, and pay ongoing maintenance fees to maintain the ATO status. It's important for developers and organizations to factor these costs into their decision-making process and to be prepared to make the necessary investments to ensure the security and privacy of their products.

Timeline for obtaining an ATO

The timeline for obtaining an ATO can vary depending on the certifying body and the complexity of the product. For example, some organizations may take several years to complete the vetting process, while others may offer expedited services for certain products. Additionally, products may need to be reassessed periodically to ensure that they continue to meet the required security controls. It's important for developers and organizations to have realistic expectations and to plan accordingly when applying for an ATO.

Advice for improving chances of obtaining an ATO:

Obtaining an ATO can be a challenging and competitive process, and there are several steps that developers and organizations can take to improve their chances of success. For example, they can work closely with the certifying body to address any concerns or questions that arise during the vetting process, ensure that their product meets the required security controls, and be prepared to provide documentation and evidence to demonstrate compliance. Additionally, they can proactively address any potential issues before submitting the application, such as conducting internal testing and engaging with stakeholders for feedback. By taking a strategic and proactive approach, developers and organizations can increase their chances of obtaining an ATO and ensure the security and privacy of their products.


Obtaining an Authorization to Operate is essential for software developers who want to have their products used within government agencies or private companies. ATOs ensure that the product or service works with existing systems and does not compromise network data privacy or operational integrity. Developers must identify the appropriate certifying body within the organization and be prepared to offer a sample of the product for testing. The developer may be granted authorization to operate, interim authorization to operate, or denial of authorization to operate. Understanding ATOs and the process of obtaining them can help developers ensure that their products meet the necessary security and operational requirements of organizations.

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